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Bazza Design was open to tackling a big problem. As a small start up with big ideas, we really threw a lot at Bari. Two complete stand-alone brands that struggled to live visually in the same space; and strong social media continuity. She handled it all with a fun, professional, can-do approach and succeeded. Her playful organic approach to solving design problems really helped us look passed what our myopic view was, and helped us see the bigger brand picture. Memorable was what we wanted. Memorable and beautiful is what we now have. Our relationship to our modern-day consumer was the top priority for our brand image and Bari nailed it.


We needed a brand that could eventually stand next to big industry players. Bari had knowledge, skill and experience where we needed it. Bari’s branding and identity development was easily the most intuitive process I have experienced as a serial entrepreneur.  With a great eye for design Bari was able to translate big complicated ideas into simple, unique communications that crossed over from website to social media to promotional and educational print materials – our business cards and Blog always get complements and questions, and our Facebook design is often simply described by viewers as “wow!”, “great page!” and “beautiful colors!”.


She is accountable and efficient. When we needed something from outside of Ms. Simon’s comfort zone, she was the first to offer real solutions quickly, and actually brought two talented team players to our table; a copy writer and a multi-talented illustrative animator/programmer/developer, both of whom we were delighted to form on-going relationships with. To put it simply, she always got the job done and on-budget. Her original concepts and creative coordination of projects was worth every penny spent.As a power-creative and insightful team player, Bazza Design will be my go-to design house for future projects. 
Elle Preston:: Social Nutrition Concepts, Ann Arbor



Bari is one of the most gifted designers I’ve had the chance to work with. She does an incredible job of quickly translating business direction into stunning visuals. She also does a great job taking feedback and incorporating it without being offended that her original version needs tweaks. 
Gerald Youndblood :: NSF International



Knowledgeable and creative. She developed a great solution for our packaging problem. She was a great find and I really enjoyed working with her. 
Jim H :: JAZ Innovations



Bari worked with our organization on a logo design that we had been struggling with for some time. We had a vision and a way we wanted to be presented towards our clients and other organizations that we couldn't articulate. Bari handled everything perfectly. Our logo turned out concise, simple and elegant- exactly as we wanted it. We hope to work with Ms. Simon again in the future for our design needs. 
Brennen :: Simply Scrumptious Catering

Bari Simon is one of the most talented graphic designers I know. (ssshhh don't tell- I want her all to myself!) She is a natural with design and always shows an innate ability to translate design needs into something better. At her most humorous moments, Bari is always a professional, sticking to deadlines and mirroring back ideas that elevate the concept to the next level.  I trust her implicitly and love working with her! 
Margaret Lydecker :: Entrepreneur, Green Drinks NYC



I challenged Bari to produce something that looked and sounded like it came from a world-class ad agency pitching to a Fortune 500 brand… And guess what?  This rivals the best of them (and I’ve seen a lot of those pitches in my day). Truly outstanding job! 
Colette LaForce :: NSF International



Bari is adept at working with me to develop abstract ideas into concrete designs, while discovering and highlighting central themes I was not aware of myself. I have always been extremely impressed with Bari's attention to detail and the final results speak for themselves. 
Dan Grec :: The Road Chose Me



Bari not only provided compelling brand redesign concepts, she lead us through a strategic process that created a vision for our brand.  Through her thoughtful planning, we were able to distill both what we wanted and didn't want to visually communicate our company. Her work was timely. Personality upbeat. It was a pleasure to have Bari as our partner. 
Katy Michalski :: Michigan Urgent Care

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